Alexandrina Maria da Costa Instant Video Download

Alexandrina Maria da Costa Instant Video: 

Duration: 55 minutes
Availability: Worldwide


Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa is available to rent or download instantly via our Vimeo On Demand Pages.  By clicking the button below you will be directed to our On Demand Page where you can download the film to watch and keep instantly on any device.



Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa of Balasar, Portugal (1904 – 1955), one of the great mystics of modern times, was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2004. A ‘victim soul', chosen by Christ to suffer in atonement for the sins of humanity, she was bedridden for life from the age of twenty after sustaining injuries while escaping from an attacker. She mystically underwent the Passion of Christ on Fridays and her sufferings helped to shorten World War II.

Her astounding life has many connections to the events of Fatima and she is known in Portugal as ‘The fourth seer of Fatima '. She urged all to “Do penance, sin no more, pray the Rosary, receive the Eucharist ”. 

For the last thirteen years of her life she miraculously lived on the Holy Eucharist alone, a medically confirmed fact. She has been proposed by the Church as “a model of purity and perseverance in the Faith for today's youth ”.

In this film we look at Blessed Alexandrina’s whole life and mission, beginning with the mysterious cross that appeared in Balazar which can still be visited today.

This is the only English speaking film about Blessed Alexandrina and has been broadcast on EWTN.

“I desire that, after your death, your life may be known, and that will happen; I shall see to it. It will reach the ends of the earth.” - Our Lord speaking to Blessed Alexandrina, 22nd November 1937.

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Brand Mary's Dowry Productions