Anna Maria Taigi Instant Video Download

Anna Maria Taigi Instant Video: 

Duration: 59 minutes
Availability: Worldwide


Blessed Anna Maria Taigi Film is available to rent or download instantly via our Vimeo On Demand Pages.  By clicking the button below you will be directed to our On Demand Page where you can download the film to watch and keep instantly on any device.


Blessed Anna Maria Taigi was beatified for her life of heroic virtue. She was also a chosen soul, a mystic, prophet and victim soul who lived a life of prayer, suffering and supernatural encounters with Christ and Our Lady, the Saints and Angels in 18th and 19th century Italy. God gifted her with a mystical SUN which was ever before her eyes. In this sun she could see past, present and future events. She was able to follow the whole life and campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte, for Our Lord told her the Emperor was allowed to both attack the Church and work unknowingly for the Papacy in his campaigns and his persecution of Pope Pius VII "to make him a tool of my anger wherewith to chastise the iniquity of the wicked and to humiliate the proud". Blessed Anna Maria Taigi advised Popes and Cardinals and was able to see events that could occur and had occurred through the mystical gift of her SUN. In this SUN, her biographer records that the mystic saw a future event which is commonly known today among some Catholics as 'The Three Days of Darkness'. She was an exemplary mother, wife and friend, a devout, holy Catholic and her life is both fascinating and inspiring for our days.

In this new film by Mary's Dowry Productions we look at the life, mission, prophesies and visions of Blessed Anna Maria Taigi as well as her relationship with the Catholic Church and the Popes of her days and ours.

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Brand Mary's Dowry Productions