God's Champion: Saint Edmund Campion Instant Video:
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Of the many titles given to the great Elizabethan Jesuit priest and English Martyr Father Edmund Campion, ‘God’s Champion’ certainly presents this heroic missionary as he was for the Catholic of 16th Century England as well as for all of us today.
Profoundly intelligent and deeply devout, Saint Edmund Campion was a Protestant deacon held in great esteem by Queen Elizabeth I. He was even known by another title: The Queen’s Diamond, so great was his favour with the Protestant Queen of England. But Saint Edmund Campion’s keen mind sought after the Truth and in the face of great danger and threat he rejected all worldly favours for the outlawed Catholic Faith; the ancient Faith of England which was under great persecution.
Saint Edmund left his England to travel abroad and train as a priest, choosing the great Jesuit Order founded by Saint Ignatius of Loyola. Keen to return home and bring the outlawed Sacraments to the persecuted English people, Saint Edmund Campion, now a Catholic priest, entered the country in disguise as a jewel merchant with several other Catholic priests. He spent the next year and a half as a hunted man, eluding the government’s many spies and hunters for the Queen; causing disturbance and fury among the Protestant leaders with his writings, his zeal, his persistence and of course, his famous defence of the Catholic Faith, known even in his day as ‘Campion’s Brag’.
Saint Edmund Campion was eventually arrested and imprisoned in the Tower of London where he was tortured on the infamous rack and subjected to a sham trial. His discourses and debates in the Tower of London were observed by another of the Queen’s favourites, the Earl of Arundel, Sir Philip Howard, who afterward converted to the Catholic Faith and also gave his life in its defence as a fellow Martyr.
Saint Edmund Campion heroically offered his life, filled with joy, at the infamous Tyburn Gallows of London on December 1st 1581. He died a Martyr and remains an important figure for England and the Catholic Church today. His famous ‘Brag’ continues to be a source of defence of the Catholic Faith.
In this film we walk with Saint Edmund Campion through the fascinating, dangerous, yet grace-filled journey of his life and mission in England during the great persecution of the Catholic Faith. ‘God’s Champion: Saint Edmund Campion’ has been internationally praised for not only presenting facts, information and details of this Martyr’s life and mission but a prayerful, spiritual and authentically Catholic film experience.
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