Teresa of Avila, Saint, Carmelite - Featured

Mary's Dowry Productions presents Saint Teresa of Avila. Saint Teresa of Avila became a giant of prayer as well as a foundress and author. She is a Doctor of Prayer within the Catholic Church. In her many writings she has left us a wealth of advice and encouragement for the spiritual life and Carmelite Spirituality.

Saint Teresa of Avila:

Saint Teresa of Avila is one of the great Saints of the Catholic Church. As a young girl she had a strong character and developed a great love for Our Lady, especially when her own mother died. Her father worried about her because she seemed a little impetuous and was often influenced by her cousins. When she was still young, she and her brother actually set off to become martyrs. She loved to read and realised the power of the written word for the soul, good or bad.

Saint Teresa of Avila became a Carmelite nun but the cloisters of her convent were not a place where someone of her great character could easily grow. The rules were lax and the spirit of the convent worldly. Saint Teresa grieved the secular atmosphere which was full of secular news and information, chatting at the grille and many visitors, devoid of an atmosphere for deep prayer.

After a difficult and painful journey, Saint Teresa of Avila was guided by Our Lord to rise to a high level of spirituality in prayer, contemplation and understanding and challenge the laxity of her convent. She was inspired to reform the Carmelite Order and worked with Saint John of the Cross, against many obstacles, to found a new Order of Carmelites that took the rule and spirit of the order back to its original roots.

Saint Teresa became a giant of prayer as well as a foundress and author. She is a Doctor of Prayer within the Catholic Church. In her many writings she has left us a wealth of advice and encouragement for the spiritual life. She warns against occasions of sins that are easy to fall into such as the reading of romance novels which, in her own experience, are dangerous, especially to young girls.

Relevant to our time and a great figure in the history of the Catholic Church, particularly in the Counter-Reformation of the 16th century, Saint Teresa of Avila’s life and message are always a source of inspiration and encouragement for all Christians.

Our film about Saint Teresa of Avila has been internationally praised for not only presenting details, information and facts but a prayerful and spiritual film experience.

Length and Format:

Saint Teresa of Avila runs for 28 minutes and is available worldwide on Region Free DVD.

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Brand Mary's Dowry Productions
Weight 0.1kg