The Martyrs Collection 3 - Mary's Dowry Presents - 6 DVD Box Set

A collection of 6 full length films on the English Martyrs across a 6 DVD set. As seen on EWTN.
Mary's Dowry Presents - Martyrs Collection 3: As Seen on EWTN:

A collection of 6 full length films on the English Martyrs across a 6 DVD set. Included in this collection are:

Saint Edmund Campion: A Hero Returns
Saint John Southworth
Saint Nicholas Owen: The Priest Hole Maker
Saint John Houghton
Saint Margaret Clitherow
The Morse Code: Saint Henry Morse

DISC 1: Saint Edmund Campion: A Hero Returns:

The life, mission and death of English Jesuit priest and Martyr Saint Edmund Campion are remembered in this film from Mary’s Dowry Productions. Follow the journey of a man with a mission to minister to the persecuted Catholics of Elizabethan England. From the universities of Oxford, to the Court of Queen Elizabeth I, through Ireland, France and Rome and back across the channel to illegally re-enter England as a Jesuit Priest, Saint Edmund Campion is pursued by spies and priest-hunters, writes his famous ‘Brag’ and ‘Ten Reasons’, is captured, tortured, imprisoned in the infamous Tower of London, and is subjected to trials and debates.

DISC 2: John Southworth:

Saint John Southworth was a Catholic priest in 17th century England and the only Martyr to be executed for the Catholic Faith and his Catholic priesthood during the rule of Oliver Cromwell.
The City of Westminster in London was the missionary ground chosen by Our Lord for his faithful friend and servant Father John Southworth to minister to the countless persecuted and suffering souls of 17th Century anti-Catholic England. He especially worked with the plague-victims of London, ignoring the red crosses placed over people's houses by the masked plague-doctors and entering homes of Catholic and Protestants alike. Saint John Southworth was arrested and sentenced to death for his Catholic priesthood under the rule of Oliver Cromwell, the Lord Protector. At the Tyburn gallows, Saint John Southworth delivered a magnificent speech and joyfully gave his life. His body is now venerated in a Shrine in Westminster Cathedral, London, in the area he had ministered for most of his life. Saint John Southworth was canonised one of the 40 martyrs of England and Wales.

Disc 3: Saint Margaret Clitherow:

The inspiring and moving story of Saint Margaret Clitherow, known as the #Shining Pearl of York', has touched the hearts of countless Catholics throughout the past four centuries. She was a young Catholic Englishwoman who converted from Protestantism during a time of dangerous persecutions against the Catholic Church in England by the Elizabethan government. Although it was illegal to hear Mass, to carry rosary beads or even light devotional candles, Saint Margaret Clitherow refused to comply with the anti-Catholic regimes or attend the compulsory Protestand services and worked instead on providing secret rooms where the outlawed Mass could be celebrated, as well as organising safe houses and shelter for hunted priests. Eventually, Saint Margaret was arrested and partook in one of the country's most unique trials and sentencing in England's history. She cheerfully offered her life for the Catholics of England and for the love of Our Lord, even sewing her own burial shroud and leaving an important witness and legacy for the Catholic Church, especially in England, today. Saint Margaret Clitherow was canonized one of the 40 martyrs of England and Wales.

DISC 4: Saint John Houghton:

Saint john Houghton is an important figure for Catholic England. He was the first of the five protomartyrs to die for the Catholic Faith in penal times in England. When King Henry VIII of England entered into schism and first sought out the great and holy figures in England to join him, Saint John Houghton refused to take the King's Oath of Supremacy. He and his companions were committed to the Tower of London where they were imprisoned and relentlessly pressured and threatened by Thomas Cromwell. On May 4th 1535, Saint John Houghton and his companions were dragged on hurdles to the infamous Tyburn gallows. Saint Thomas More watched them led away as his stood at the window of his own cell in the Tower of London.

DISC 5: Saint Nicholas Owen: The Priest Hole Maker:

Throughout the persecution of the Catholic Church in England during Penal times, missionary priests travelled the country bringing the outlawed Sacraments of the Church and celebrating the illegal Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. As hunted men carrying the threat of death upon their shoulders every day, these heroic priests required safe places to hide, especially in the homes of Catholic recusants where they stayed to rest and offer Mass, hear Confessions and administer the Sacraments of the Church to the persecuted Catholic faithful. God graced an ingenious layman with the gift of creating secret rooms, priest holes and safe places in houses throughout England, many of which remain undiscovered today. Saint Nicholas Owen was a carpenter from a devoutly Catholic family in Oxford. His skill was unsurpassed and he became a key figure keeping the Catholic Faith alive in England.

DISC 6: The Morse Code: Saint Henry Morse

THE MORSE CODE. Old London City in the 17th Century. A time of danger, persecution and plagues. A Catholic missionary priest named Father Henry Morse had his own code: to bring the Catholic Sacraments to the people of that City even at the risk of his own life. Hunted, arrested, escaping priest catchers and lawmen; an outlaw, a missionary, a preacher and a priest, Father Henry Morse worked with Queen Henrietta Maria and fellow future English Martyr Fr John Southworth in a truly inspiring, moving and heroic missionary in once Catholic England. That mission has left a momentous impact upon history and the Church especially relevant today. The story of one of England's great Catholic Saints is now presented in this new film set in the fascinating and dangerous years of 17th Century London.

Length and Format:

This collection is available worldwide on region free DVD format and is on 6 DVDs with a total running time of 245 minutes. 
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Brand Mary's Dowry Productions
Weight 0.1kg